PinnedPublished inThe LarkCelestial BeingsAn acrostic poem — what are ‘celestial beings’Nov 3030Nov 3030
PinnedPublished inThe LarkThe Chair — PrologueA sci-fi flash fiction series set in New York CitySep 542Sep 542
PinnedPublished inWriters DailyShare Your Work Using Facebook GroupsA list of Facebook groups for writers has been updated in February 2023Jul 1117Jul 1117
PinnedPublished inThe LarkThe Non-HumanFiction — A supernatural thriller short storyNov 10, 202332Nov 10, 202332
PinnedPublished inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Denise LarkinMy life as a writer-editor and poet and traveler amongst other thingsOct 11, 202199Oct 11, 202199