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Philosophy helped me make sense of the world, medicine helped me do my part to change it, and poetry helped me live in between the all of it—Author & Essayist
I have been meditating for over ten years! Through meditation, I believe we can find the happiness and peace we need.
It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not. Indiana Jones/NKOTB/Madonna. A Bad Ass Public Relations Queen Extraordinaire
Dog-mother, ex-city-slicker, ex-teacher (medically resigned). I write short fiction and whatever else I want.
Editor of Human Parts. Writer based in Manhattan. Gay Trans Pizza. Author: Death by Nostalgia (2018) and my own misfortune.
Sharing my own stories and those of others I’ve met along life’s highways. As Dostoevsky said, “But how could you live and have no story to tell?”
I am a father of six, a grandfather of seven, a lover of nature, and an avid reader. My passion for reading led me to a love of writing.
I write because I am
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Mastodon: An author/writer of fiction novels and poetry living in London writing about her experiences on Medium.
L.N. Wyman
Bobby Varga
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Ms. ZoeyDebra
Kay Flanagan
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