Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

The Lark's Top Flash Fiction Stories

3 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Poetry Worth Reading

455 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)


5 stories

Close to the edge of a cliff.
Sunsets on UK’s abysmal covid record.
Knock on the door.
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Lifestyle Articles of Importance

24 stories

Close to the edge of a cliff.
Sunsets on UK’s abysmal covid record.
Conspiracy smoke and mirrors?
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)


29 stories

A photo encompassing the Grand Canyon from the South rim. Travel, mindfulness, depression, rebirth, renew, Arizona, vacation.
The tall white “tufa towers,” salt formations at Mono Lake in California. travel,  unique places, hotspots, photography
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Top Articles in Hotspot Travellers

5 stories

A photo encompassing the Grand Canyon from the South rim. Travel, mindfulness, depression, rebirth, renew, Arizona, vacation.
The tall white “tufa towers,” salt formations at Mono Lake in California. travel,  unique places, hotspots, photography
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Top Poems

94 stories

A man holding a baby.
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

The Lark Publication's Newsletters

27 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)


13 stories

A smiling fat woman in a black dress.
Lighthouse flashing.
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

The Lark Publication's Top Writers

43 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Boosted Poems

27 stories

A few clementines scattered about. One is peeled and halved.
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

The Lark Publication's Boosted Stories

4 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

The Lark's Top Fiction Stories

43 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

The Lark's Serial Fiction Stories

26 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Stories Worth Reading

64 stories

Castro and company in Cuba
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

True Stories

10 stories

Castro and company in Cuba
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Fiction Worth Reading

88 stories

girl with back against wall
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Top Flicks TV Hound Articles

14 stories

Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust. New emotions peak out from under: embarrassment, Ennui (boredom), Envy and Anxiety. Inside Out 2 film review, movie, Pixar, Disney, psychological, kids, animated, emotions
A extreame close up of an eye and inside the pupil we see a scene of a woman being crucified.
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Top Skinny is Best Articles

3 stories

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Great Movies to Watch

23 stories

Young woman signing I Love You.
A promotional poster for the movie Dune 2 wth all of the characters on the screen. Dune 2 film review, movie, critic, Sci-fy, Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya.
Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)

Book Author

Friend of Medium

Mastodon: An author/writer of fiction novels and poetry living in London writing about her experiences on Medium.